when i watched "love on the beach," there wasn't a moment lost. every expression was both shocking and sentimental, inspiring true love for the animation. while i can't the style was finessed, it was definitely unique, as well as consistent. the soundtrack was not awing but completed the immature storytelling. i'm saying you had captured genuine emotion, for everything satisfied a unified artistic development. i'd even go so far as to claim the underdeveloped structure of the animation complemented the emotions you had desired to express. so, there wasn't a moment lost.
icy "love on the beach 2" years later, not having forgotten my 1st true love, and i think to myself all the wonderfully exciting possibilities for this second act... i am very disappointed. i wasn't, to be honest, when it began with highly improved graphic quality. i was even more expectant: perhaps i should have stayed with sabrina, but now it's too late.
neway, i was pleased you kept the same musical score but was again disappointed by the credits. in like respects, i was pleased you kept many of the same trademark animation techniques and voice-over characteristics; however, without progress, the present grows old. tsuke's mumbling no longer expressed the sincere apologetic discomfort of a torn lover but rather intended to pass him off as a pitiful personage. protagonists with conflicts can be either empathized or despised by the viewer, and you left your hero to his tragedy. the new chick was o.k. but served little purpose, while sabrina's reintroduction was too abrupt. everything following thereafter went downhill, from animation style to script to general emotional sincerity. the sad ending was not bc of the gun shots but was a result of overemphasized, poor comedic value and an absence of love for your own series.
you've broken my heart on valentine's day, but i remain faithful to your originality and potential as an animator. please remain faithful to yourself and your own style, coolisushi!